We use our extensive experience in copyright law and neighbouring rights to provide support for our clients, above all in the field of technology-related copyright protection for computer programs, databases and Internet and multimedia products. Our clients include software enterprises, web designers, advertising agencies, publishing houses and performing artists.
Our attorneys at law are involved in national and international trade organisations such as the Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale (ALAI) and, as demonstrated by their numerous publications on copyright and media law, are proven experts in this field.
- Examination of your works’ capacity for copyright protection
- Confirmation of priority through the deposit of works with our firm or registration of pseudonymous works in the Copyright Register at the German Patent and Trademark Office
- Drafting and negotiation of copyright user and licence contracts, in particular publishing contracts, database contracts, software licensing contracts, contracts concerning digital rights management systems, merchandising contracts, sound recording licence contracts, band contracts, performing artist contracts, concert contracts, film music licence contracts etc.
- The judicial enforcement of your copyright and defence against unjustified infringement claims
- Consulting with respect to the rates and conditions for the acquisition of rights via collecting societies (GEMA, VG Wort, VG Bild-Kunst etc.)
- Examination of supplementary protection for your copyright works by means of trademark, patent and design rights
- Consulting concerning technology-related protection for computer programs, databases, Internet and multimedia products by means of copyright, trademark and patent law
- Consulting concerning the protection and exploitation of user-generated content
- Title protection notifications
- Consulting on digital rights management systems (DRM)