
Responsible for Content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Attorney at Law Dr. Torsten Bettinger and Attorney at Law Martin Müller

Bavariaring 14,80336 München

Professional Regulations according to § 5 TMG/§ 55 Abs. 1 RStV

Bettinger Scheffelt Müller

Partnerschaft mbB
Bavariaring 14
80336 München

Tel.:          +49(0)89 54 88 670-0
Fax:          +49(0)89 54 88 670-22

DE 298125653

Form of Company
Partnerschaft mbB

Dr. Torsten Bettinger
Dr. Michael Scheffelt
Martin Müller

The attorneys at law (Rechtsanwälte) are admitted for practise in Germany. The attorneys at law (Rechtsanwälte) Dr. Torsten Bettinger, Martin Müller, Dr. Michael Scheffelt, Dr. Friedericke Manz are members of the Munich Bar (Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk München). Attorneys at law (Rechtsanwälte) are subject to the Federal Attorneys Regulations (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung, BRAO), Federal Schedule of Fees (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG)), Code of Professional Conduct (Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte, BORA,) and Code of Professional Conduct for attorneys at law in in the Europan Community.

Copyright and Disclaimer

We provide information about our firm Bettinger Scheffelt Kobiako von Gamm, as well as on  intellectual property law, IT and Media Law as well a construction and technology law. The content is copyright of Bettinger Scheffelt Kobiako von Gamm. However, Bettinger Scheffelt Kobiako von Gamm assume no responsilibity, and decline any liability for the content of these web pages.

 In particular, the content of these web pages

  • may not be correct, complete, or up to date;
  • may be linked with external web sites, for which BETTINGER SCHNEIDER SCHRAMM decline any responsibility;
  • does not constitute legal advice.

For any concrete issue or problem, you should seek professional advice.