Dr. Michael Scheffelt

Dr. Michael Scheffelt

Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht

Tel.: +49(0)89 54 88 670-0

Dr. Scheffelt, Attorney at Law, advises clients in construction, architectural and real estate law since 2002.  His clients include construction and building contractors and planning offices of all sizes which are primarily engaged in commercial and residential construction and infrastructure projects.  He is familiar with the technical, process and management requirements of construction projects and has particular experience in advising clients engaged in the construction of bridges, airport runways, tunnels, radio towers, hotels, and building facades.

From his years of work at Deutsche Telekom and specialized experience in telecommunications and IT law, Dr. Scheffelt’s expertise includes in particular the constantly developing building automation field.  This activity, which is more commonly known in the housing market under the name “Smart Home“ and involves the digital networking of individual components within the building structure.

Dr. Scheffelt is the author of numerous articles on the law of construction, architecture, and information technology more generally, and is a regular speaker at conferences on these topics.
He has lectured for many years at the Bavarian School of Administration (Bayerische Verwaltungsschule) on the topics of construction defects and architect liability.

Professional Experience

Since 2015
Partner of the firm Bettinger Scheffelt Kobiako von Gamm

Partner of the firm Böck Oppler Hering

Attorney at Law at the firm Böck Oppler Hering

Attorney at Law at the Munich law firm Graf von Westphalen Bappert & Modest

Attorney at Deutsche Telekom AG with focus on Contract and Regulatory Law

Dr. jur., lecturing and publication in the legal fields of Construction and Planning, Research Assistant to Prof. Max Emaunuel Geis (University of Constance)


Second State Examination (University of Constance)

“Diplôme en Droit Français” (Grenoble, France)

Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Fezer, Chair for Civil Law and International Commercial Relations

ARGE – German Bar Association Working Group on Construction Law
German Society for Construction Law
Freiburger Baurechtstage
Forum Vergabe

Publications on building regulations

  • Abnahmevollmachten in Bauträgerverträgen, BauR 2014, 163 ff.
  • Zur Zurechnung von Planungsverschulden, Festschrift für Prof. Quack 2010, S. 207 ff.
  • Dr. Scheffelt is co-editor of the journal „Vergabe special“ and regularly publishes articles on current legal topics in the building trades, including inter alia:
  • Installation and removal costs incurred when remedying defects
  • Liability limitation during substituted performance
  • Liability arising from contractor services
  • Scope of indemnification under the employer’s liability insurance
  • Obligation to investigate despite certification
  • Ineffective exclusion of set-off
  • Performance guarantee

Publications on IT law

  • Application Service Providing (Bettinger/Scheffelt), in: Spindler (Hrsg.), Vertragsrecht der Internet-Provider, S. 745 – 814 , München, Dr. Otto Schmidt Verlag, 2004
  • Application Service Providing: Vertragsgestaltung und Konflikt-Management, Computer und Recht 2001, 729 (Bettinger/Scheffelt)

Lectures and Seminars

  • Defect liability under VOB/B and BGB (Bayerische Verwaltungsschule, most recently 2014)
  • The liability of architects and engineers (Bayerische Verwaltungsschule, most recently 2014)
  • The construction contract and the public sector (Bayerische Verwaltungsakademie, Bayreuth 2011)
  • The controversy about defect remedies (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Privates Bau- und Architektenrecht, Leipzig 2010)
  • Special forum supply and service awards (Bayerische Akademie für Verwaltungsmanagement
  • Expertise for project managers (management circle)